quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2013

Vidros Escuros (Dark Glasses) is a romantic book

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E se quiser comprar diretamente da escritora Rose Freire,
 é só pedi pelo e-mail rosefreire77@gmail.com que já vem autografado.

Vidros Escuros (Dark Glasses) is a romantic book writted in Brazil with hot subject has cool scenes, hilarious, depressing, engaging, perverted and immoral. Having an adult content, heavy, realistic and even delusional. Many find controversial, but nothing out of this world because many people want the same who has written the book, and they also want 'sex'.
An accountant she who does not like youseft, working in a stifling environment, monotonous, without much emotion. She called Liene, a dreamy woman that wants to be loved but can not love. It desires can not demonstrate, have loves and passions that can not develop. Calls for prayers, promises and even sympathy. And get nothing in your life.
Until one day her father reveals something very interesting. But even after that she still incredulous. Without action. Well she wants too, want to believe, but can not believe that. And nothing happens.
His life continues still, boring and empty. Looking to have faith, but there is a grain of mustard seed in its light. His belief is weak. And when he finally falls in love for real, and some worries, her fate changes. The secret awakens inside. And the story begins warm true.

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