sexta-feira, 3 de março de 2017

DARK GLASSES (Part 1 : The sad phase of Liene)

Hi people,

I divided DARK GLASSES of 600 pages into three parts.
 The first one is already sold by
Has in version without or with ILLUSTRATION.

Dark Glasses: Part 1 : The sad phase of Liene 


Dark Glasses is an outburst of unhappiness, for in it is told the story of a woman who hated herself for being so obliterated. She had within herself a mental struggle of what she wanted, but she never could. A confrontation that reduced her will to live, so she always created obstacles for herself.

This book has moments with touches of fairy tales, but they are dark and heavy. While having simple dreams like being loved and having a family, Liene also has absurd dreams like having magical powers and marrying someone very rich, young and handsome.
In the book, Liene reports her daily life as a spinster woman very unhappy for having such a boring life, without novelties and without romance. But her inner conflict had a why when she discovers a secret from her father that will open her doors to fulfill her dreams, to have sex with her platonic love, but will attract conflicts and many problems never imagined by Liene.

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